Highlights of Topics

Lorna McLaren

Topic List: – may mix and match as we customize

  • Understand Various Personality and Communication Styles
  • Communicating with Diplomacy and Impact
  • How to Inspire and Motivate Others
  • Leadership and the Communication Factor
  • Pop the Garlic; Fast Track Training in Prioritizing, Organizing, and Getting Things Done
  • Public Speaking/Presentation Techniques – How to Captivate and Motivate a Group of People
  • Conflict Resolution and Managing Emotions
  • The Stress Factor – Awareness and Solutions
  • Communication, Conflict and Stress – How Men and Women Handle it Differently

Topic Highlights:

Effective Communication: Understand Various Personality & Communication Styles

By exploring and understanding some common denominators of communication and personality styles, you can change how you get along with people.  It’s about understanding and appreciating the differences and communication needs of others. Just like speaking a different language – you don’t have to change who you are, simply change how you communicate it.

  • Excel in communicating with basically anyone
  • Make an instant connection and avoid misunderstandings
  • Recognize why certain people irritate you and know how to change it
  • Build stronger relationships of respect and appreciation

In this session, you will have tools to determine yours and other’s personality/communication styles.  Also included is a break down of what to look for to recognize and avoid misunderstandings with others.

You’ll have many “Ah ha” moments personally and professionally!

Communicating with Diplomacy and Impact

Tips and simple adjustments you can use immediately to improve your ability, credibility and diplomacy in communicating. You’ll experience the results in response and communication effectiveness.

How to instantly:

  • Create an environment of diplomacy and professionalism
  • Recognize how people will hear and perceive your message
  • Pre-call a situation and deal with it before it comes up
  • Resolve issues with confidence and clarity

It’s about understanding effective communication techniques – how and why they work. There’s nothing soft about communication when it comes to representing yourself, your business, your purpose.

How to Inspire and Motivate

People thrive in an atmosphere where they are passionate, enthusiastic, and proud of their contributions. It makes us happier, healthier, and more productive.

By knowing how to inspire and motivate yourself and others, you can increase your productivity, sense of joy, and reduce stress.

We’ll cover tips on:

  • How to communicate for positive impact
  • What motivates and inspires people
  • Building self-motivation

We spend more time at work than almost any other activity!  Don’t let your team slip into complacency.  Or not feeling appreciated.  Fuel that sense of purpose, performance, accountability and pride.

Leadership and The Communication Factor
Enhance your communication in coaching, delegating, feedback, and handling conflict.

What makes a good Leader?  It goes beyond age, experience, and education.  It’s also about the passion, focus, and drive of the individual.  A great leader inspires the best in oneself and others.  How do you communicate that?

As a Leader, you are held by a different standard.  Your success is based on the performance of others.  Focus on integrity, accountability and being the consummate professional when it comes to how you communicate and build relationships with others.

  • The language of leadership
  • Coaching
  • Delegating
  • Giving feedback
  • Handling conflict

“There has never been a great leader who wasn’t a great communicator”

Pop the Garlic; Fast Track Training in Prioritizing, Organizing, and Getting Things Done

You can ‘pop’ 5 cloves of garlic in the same amount of time it takes to peal one. Learn systems to increase your productivity and efficiency.

Without a clear understanding of what determines a priority, we end up doing a really good job on something that doesn’t need to be done in the first place.  Or we feel exhausted by the end of the day yet are not quite sure what we actually accomplished.

There are systems to easily determine how to prioritize and organize one’s time.  There is no such thing as free time.  By recognizing time wasters and knowing how to maximize efficiency in what you do, you can get more done in less time and have a life outside of work.

Presentation and Public Speaking – How to Captivate, Relate and Motivate a Group of People

Develop the ability to communicate with impact and engage an audience!   In this upbeat, fun, and relaxed environment, you will gain valuable tools you can use immediately to improve your ability, credibility and charisma when speaking in public.  Increase your confidence and competence with these proven techniques when speaking to large groups, training your staff, leading a meeting, presenting to your customers, massaging public relations, and maximizing media exposure.

Learn how to:

  • Make an instant transition from average to compelling
  • Organize a presentation ‘with ease’ to do what you want it to do
  • Connect with your audience and keep them interested
  • Improve voice clarity, cadence and projection – instant impact
  • Handle questions with diplomacy, control and finesse – and tips  if you’re stumped

When you can nail it speaking in public, there’s nothing you can’t do after that.  The ability to speak in public is one of the biggest catapults in any profession and industry, no doubt!

“68% of employees feel the most unproductive during
unfocused meetings that don’t end on time”

Conflict Resolution and Managing Emotions

When the pressure is high and emotions are raw . . . what to do in that moment?

Most of us are uncomfortable with conflict yet it can be handled with diplomacy.  Silence is acceptance – and often creates more conflict than by simply dealing with it.  By learning how to handle difficult people and situations, we can improve relationships, inspire positive change, and massively decrease stress.

Have a serious awareness of how stress compromises our ability to communicate, how and why we react in certain ways, and how to get a different result.  To reduce stress and ensure a more positive result, these tips will help:

  • Resolve conflict, improve relationships, and reduce stress – what to say or do
  • Control emotional language (yours and theirs)
  • Tap into your intelligence when the situation seems insane

Change how others communicate to you during conflict.  To defuse a situation before it happens is even better!

The Stress Factor – Awareness and Solutions

Stress can affect us daily and certain professions deal with it more than others.  We now know that most chronic disease and illness is stress related. Stress releases brain chemicals that can be toxic, contributing to ailments as minor as headaches and as critical as heart attacks. It also saps billions of dollars in lost revenue and mounting medical fees, not to mention quality of life.

Learn how to control your own sense of well being and alleviate stress through environment, perspective, recognition and knowing what to do about it.

(The Stress Factor cont.)

Be aware:

  • What happens to you physically when high emotions and stress come into play
  • How to recognize your own stress triggers and get a different response
  • How to strengthen your sense of well being with a difficult person or situation
  • When you can’t stop the stress from coming at you, know what you can do to alleviate it once you feel it
  • What the #1 route to insanity is and how to avoid it

You may not be able to control the stress that comes your way – you do have some control on alleviating it.

Communication, Conflict, and Stress;
How Men and Women handle it Differently

Fun, factual, and instantly usable tips – different doesn’t have to be difficult.

Men and women are different in how we think, communicate, and react under stress.  These differences can also create more misunderstandings that can result in conflict.  Misunderstandings and conflict can damage relationships – personally and professionally.

So let’s have fun, see where the “Ohhhh” moments of consideration take you as we explore these interesting differences.







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